Are you invited to a bachelorette party and wondering how you can contribute to not only a fabulous time for yourself, but also the bride-to-be and all her bridesmaids? No matter what role you play in the upcoming bachelorette party (are you the maid of honor?), you need to make sure that there’s a bachelorette survival kit for all gals involved in the celebration. This simple thought, if forgotten, can literally ruin the festivities. But if remembered, it will make everything so much more pleasant! Click here for classy bachelorette party ideas.

Print our bachelorette goodie bag list below for a fabulous party!
What are we talking about? We’re referring to all the adorable bachelorette cookies, candies, treats, and energy bars (cuz seriously, who has time for a real meal during this crazy bash) as well as party accessories/jewelry (to keep the bachelorette team matchy-matchy) and hangover medicines for the huge headaches that await. Phewf!
Yes, that’s a lot to think about, which is why we’ve put together a fabulous bachelorette survival kit that will get you and your gang through the entire weekend both in style and in good health. Print this list and take a little time to put together goodie bags in advance so there’s no stress when it’s game day.
Bachelorette Survival Kit
Goodie Bag Stuffers:
- Energy Bars or Granola Bars (when there’s not time for meals plus everyone’s on a diet right before the wedding)
- Gummies (girls love colored “fat free” candies especially after a night of partying)
- Granola or trail mix for energy or breakfast
- Advil (everyone will have a hangover and will thank you for this)
- Colored sunglasses or another cute accessory like pink rings to brand your bachelorette team
- A nice bottle (or several) of Champagne (to kickoff the party)
- Clear baggies to stuff all the goodies
- Ribbon to tie the baggies and make them look pretty
- Larger bags to let the gals stuff their own survival kits on game day
- Table cloth in the same color as your bachelorette team gear – just because it’s pretty!
For more bachelorette survival kit ideas, bachelorette party ideas, and bride-to-be tips be sure to subscribe to our newsletter in the right hand sidebar above.